Default | Coy | Dark | Funky | Okaidia | Solarized | Twilight

In this example, line numbering is enabled.

module HTTP;

export {
    redef enum Notice::Type += {
        ## Cookie reuse by a different user agent
        ## Cookie reuse by a roaming user.
        ## Cookie reuse by an attacker.

    ## Control how to define a user. If the flag is set, a user is defined
    ## solely by its IP address and otherwise defined by the (IP, user agent)
    ## pair. It can make sense to deactive this flag in a deployment upstream 
    ## of a NAT. However, false positivies can then arise when the same user
    ## sends the same session cookie from multiple user agents.
    const user_is_ip = T &redef;

    ## Whether to keep track of multiple IP addresses for the same host. This
    ## can reduce false positives for roaming clients that leave and join the
    ## network under a new IP address, yet use the same session within the
    ## cookie expiration interval. It makes only sense to set this flag when
    ## actually sees DHCP or ARP traffic.
    const use_aliasing = F &redef;

    ## Whether to restrict the analysis only to the known services listed
    ## below.
    const known_services_only = T &redef;

    ## Time after which a seen cookie is forgotten.
    const cookie_expiration = 1 hr &redef;

    ## Describes the cookie information of a web service, such as Twitter.
    type ServiceInfo: record
        desc: string;                # Service description.
        url: pattern;                # URL pattern matched against Host header.
        keys: set[string] &optional; # Cookie keys that define the user session.
        pat: pattern &optional;      # Cookie keys pattern, instead of a set.

    # We track the cookie inside the HTTP state of the connection.
    redef record Info += {
        cookie: string &optional;

    ## Known session cookie definitions (from Firesheep handlers).
    const services: vector of ServiceInfo = {
        [$desc="AKF Demo", $url=/, $keys=set("session")],
        [$desc="Amazon", $url=/, $keys=set("x-main")],
        [$desc="Basecamp", $url=/,
            $keys=set("_basecamp_session", "session_token")],
        [$desc="", $url=/, $keys=set("user")],
        [$desc="Cisco", $url=/, $keys=set("SMIDENTITY")],
        [$desc="CNET", $url=/, $keys=set("urs_sessionId")],
        [$desc="Enom", $url=/,
            $keys=set("OatmealCookie", "EmailAddress")],
        [$desc="Evernote", $url=/, $keys=set("auth")],
        [$desc="Facebook", $url=/,
        $keys=set("datr", "c_user", "lu", "sct")],
        [$desc="Fiverr", $url=/, $keys=set("_fiverr_session")],
        [$desc="Flickr", $url=/, $keys=set("cookie_session")],
        [$desc="Foursquare", $url=/,
            $keys=set("ext_id", "XSESSIONID")],
        [$desc="Google", $url=/,
            $keys=set("NID", "SID", "HSID", "PREF")],
        [$desc="Gowalla", $url=/, $keys=set("__utma")],
        [$desc="Hacker News", $url=/, $keys=set("user")],
        [$desc="Harvest", $url=/, $keys=set("_harvest_sess")],
        [$desc="LinkedIn", $url=/, $keys=set("bcookie")],
        [$desc="NY Times", $url=/, $keys=set("NYT-s", "nyt-d")],
        [$desc="Pivotal Tracker", $url=/\/dashboard/,
        [$desc="Posterous", $url=/.*/, $keys=set("_sharebymail_session_id")],
        [$desc="Reddit", $url=/, $keys=set("reddit_session")],
        [$desc="ShutterStock", $url=/, $keys=set("ssssidd")],
        [$desc="StackOverflow", $url=/,
            $keys=set("usr", "gauthed")],
        [$desc="tumblr", $url=/, $keys=set("pfp")],
        [$desc="Twitter", $url=/,
            $keys=set("_twitter_sess", "auth_token")],
        [$desc="Vimeo", $url=/, $keys=set("vimeo")],
        [$desc="Yahoo", $url=/, $keys=set("T", "Y")],
        [$desc="Yelp", $url=/, $keys=set("__utma")],
        [$desc="Windows Live", $url=/,
            $keys=set("MSPProf", "MSPAuth", "RPSTAuth", "NAP")],
        [$desc="Wordpress", $url=/, $pat=/wordpress_[0-9a-fA-F]+/]
    } &redef;

@load roam

## Per-cookie state.
type CookieContext: record
    mac: string;            ## MAC address of the user.
    client: addr;           ## IP address of the user.
    user_agent: string;     ## User-Agent header.
    last_seen: time;        ## Last time we saw the cookie from this user.
    conn: string;           ## Last seen connection this cookie appeared in.
    cookie: string;         ## The session cookie, as seen the last time.
    service: string;        ## The web service description of this cookie.

# Map cookies to their contextual state.
global cookies: table[string] of CookieContext &read_expire = cookie_expiration;

# Create a unique user session identifier based on the relevant cookie keys.
# Return the empty string if the sessionization does not succeed.
function sessionize(cookie: string, info: ServiceInfo) : string
    local id = "";
    local fields = split(cookie, /; /);

    if (info?$keys)
        local matches: table[string] of string;
        for (i in fields)
            local s = split1(fields[i], /=/);
            if (s[1] in info$keys)
                matches[s[1]] = s[2];

        if (|matches| == |info$keys|)
            for (key in info$keys)
                if (id != "")
                    id += "; ";
                id += key + "=" + matches[key];

    if (info?$pat)
        for (i in fields)
            s = split1(fields[i], /=/);
            if (s[1] == info$pat)
                id += id == "" ? fields[i] : cat("; ", fields[i]);

    return id;

function is_aliased(client: addr, ctx: CookieContext) : bool
    if (client in Roam::ip_to_mac)
        local mac = Roam::ip_to_mac[client];
        if (mac == ctx$mac && mac in Roam::mac_to_ip
            && client in Roam::mac_to_ip[mac])
            return T;

    return F;

function update_cookie_context(ctx: CookieContext, c: connection)
    ctx$last_seen = network_time();
    ctx$conn = c$uid;
    if (use_aliasing && ctx$client in Roam::ip_to_mac)
        ctx$mac = Roam::ip_to_mac[ctx$client];

function format_address(a: addr) : string
    if (use_aliasing && a in Roam::ip_to_mac)
        return fmt("%s[%s]", a, Roam::ip_to_mac[a]);
        return fmt("%s", a);

function report_session_reuse(c: connection, ctx: CookieContext)
    local attacker = format_address(c$id$orig_h);
    local victim = format_address(ctx$client);
    NOTICE([$note=SessionCookieReuse, $conn=c,
            $user=fmt("%s '%s'", attacker, c$http$user_agent),
            $msg=fmt("%s reused %s session %s via cookie %s",
                attacker, ctx$service, ctx$conn, ctx$cookie),
            $identifier=cat(ctx$cookie, c$http$user_agent)

function report_session_roamed(c: connection, ctx: CookieContext)
    local roamer = format_address(c$id$orig_h);
    NOTICE([$note=SessionCookieRoamed, $conn=c,
            $user=fmt("%s '%s'", roamer, c$http$user_agent),
            $msg=fmt("%s roamed %s session %s via cookie %s",
                roamer, ctx$service, ctx$conn, ctx$cookie),
            $identifier=cat(ctx$cookie, roamer)]);

# Create a unique user ID based on the notion of user.
function make_client(c: connection) : string
    return user_is_ip ? fmt("%s", c$id$orig_h) : 
            fmt("%s '%s'", c$id$orig_h, c$http$user_agent);

function report_sidejacking(c: connection, ctx: CookieContext)
    local attacker = format_address(c$id$orig_h);
    NOTICE([$note=Sidejacking, $conn=c,
            $user=fmt("%s '%s'", attacker, c$http$user_agent),
            $msg=fmt("%s hijacked %s session %s via cookie %s",
                attacker, ctx$service, ctx$conn, ctx$cookie),
            $identifier=cat(ctx$cookie, make_client(c))]);

# Track the cookie value inside HTTP.
event http_header(c: connection, is_orig: bool, name: string, value: string)
    if (is_orig && name == "COOKIE")
        c$http$cookie = value;

# We use this event as an indicator that all headers have been seen. That is,
# this event guarantees that the HTTP state inside the connection record
# has all fields populated.
event http_all_headers(c: connection, is_orig: bool, hlist: mime_header_list)
    if (! is_orig)

    if (! c$http?$cookie || c$http$cookie == "" )

    local cookie = "";
    local service = c$http$host;
    if (service != "")
        for (s in services)
            local info = services[s];
            if (info$url in service)
                cookie = sessionize(c$http$cookie, info);
                if (cookie != "")
                    service = info$desc;

    if (cookie == "")
        if (known_services_only)

        cookie = c$http$cookie;
        cookie = fmt("subset %s", cookie);

    local client = c$id$orig_h;
    local user = make_client(c);

    if (cookie !in cookies)
        local mac = "";
        if (use_aliasing && client in Roam::ip_to_mac)
            mac = Roam::ip_to_mac[client];

        cookies[cookie] =


    local ctx = cookies[cookie];
    if (cookie != ctx$cookie)

    if (user_is_ip)
        if (client == ctx$client)
            if (c$http$user_agent != ctx$user_agent)
                report_session_reuse(c, ctx);

                # Uncommenting this will have the effect of reversing the
                # current and previous user agent, resulting in another notice
                # when the previous user agent appears again.
                #ctx$user_agent = c$http$user_agent;

            update_cookie_context(ctx, c);
        else if (c$http$user_agent != ctx$user_agent)
            report_sidejacking(c, ctx);
        else if (use_aliasing)
            if (is_aliased(client, ctx))
                update_cookie_context(ctx, c);
                report_session_roamed(c, ctx);
                report_sidejacking(c, ctx);
    else if (client == ctx$client && c$http$user_agent == ctx$user_agent)
        update_cookie_context(ctx, c);
        report_sidejacking(c, ctx);